BLOODY JACK KIDD - that bloody fool boy, I detest his name, he knows how to annoy. I spit on his ship, The Sycophant Sea Truckler. Kidnap our Ezzie, that's what he did. That jaggoff, that jerk head, that poo of the sea. Me and Rennie searched high, me and Rennie searched low, and I'm tellin ya this cause this I Know; that Bloody Jack Kidd done came and took Ezzie right off of the prow. The Divine Sea Hag looks barren somehow. So me and Rennie, we got work to do you see? We have to rescue Ezzie somewhere out at sea. Lucky for us that Bloody Jack isn't too smart, I know where he is, I know just where to start. Follow our story, follow our tale, the adventure begins and the Divine Sea Hag sets sail.